Sunday, June 27

Home Is Where the Heart Is

This morning, on my way back from church, I decided that the phrase "Home is where the heart is" is a serious point of conflict for me right now.

Since I have gotten to DC, I've made two observations about this phrase, and how it relates to my life.
1.) I wish my family was here to experience this summer with me. My heart is with my family, and it would be so cool if my 'home' could be here to see DC the way that I am able to see it this summer.
2.) The more I'm getting plugged into DC, it's landscape, the staff I'm working with, and the church I'm attending, the more I'm realizing that my heart is also with the city of DC.

This creates a serious dilemma. The picture of my family and I that I posted is also kept in my room, as a part of a care package that my mom sent to me. When I opened up the pictures that she mailed to me, my first instinct was to share all of the pictures with anyone in the room. I love my family and am so proud to show them off. Seeing pictures of the times I have spent with them puts a smile on my face, and it is a great reminder of how my heart truly is with them, no matter what part of the country I'm in.

The picture of the Washington Monument was taken from my phone last night. I was standing at the bus stop, waiting for my bus to arrive and looked up to see this view. As I saw it, I stood in awe. I don't think I'm going to get sick of seeing the beauty that exists in this city. Whether it is the kindness of the people, the architecture in the apartments, or the monuments that testify to the history of our country, I am continually placed in a state of amazement as I observe my surroundings.

I don't have a solution as to where 'home' is right now. I know that my heart is with my family. My heart is with DC, and my heart is also with God. He has been my bridge to allow these two worlds to collide. I guess if I were to take this phrase literally, my home is not a stable building. I'm a bit of a drifter at the moment. But, my heart is resting with the people that matter most to me. Whether it is my family and friends back north, or the people in this city, and it is always resting with my God. And for right now, I wouldn't have it any other way :)

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