Tuesday, June 1

Making This a Habit :)

My second full day in Washington DC is winding down, and it has been beautiful :) There's no profound "God Moments" as of now, but I am trying to get into the habit of making my blogging regular. My thoughts are that if I form the habit of recording my days and the memories that come along with each day, I'll be more likely 'blog' at the end of days when I'm exhausted and may not want to.

Up until this point, I have absolutely nothing that I can complain about (except that the coffee here is a bit bitter :). I have been so blessed to meet the staff I'll be working with. Over these next two months, I will work with Jason (our city director), Kristen (our Associate City director), Brenda from the DC area, Ashley from PA, Lukas from NH, Shaina from IL, Rita from CA, Lauren from NYC and Craig from OH.

To say we're diverse would be an understatement. Yet, somehow our personalities blend quite scrumptiously and I love each of them. I know I'll be maxed out at some point and tired at some point, but as of now, I'm so happy to be working with them and I'm appreciating all of their company, as well as everything each of them brings to the table.

As for what we've done...it's been wonderful so far :) I went with most of the staff to a mega church yesterday (yes, it's in the name, but it was HUGE!), and lunch took place at Five Guys. Last night, we went on the prayer tour as a staff, and it was beautiful. We were lucky enough to pray over the entire city...everywhere from the Capitol Building to an after school program we'll be volunteering at this summer in Southeast. I have seen the contrasts that exist in DC before, but they will never cease to amaze me. It astounds me that such discrepancies can exist, and such different people can live next to each other, yet God loves each of them the same. I don't know how he does it.

Today was lots of meetings, getting to know each other and enjoying the mall. We got to take our pictures in front of the Capitol building (how cool is that?!), and the Washington Memorial. We also got to put around the Museum of Natural History, and we wound up eating at a great Middle Eastern restaurant that we'll frequent during the summer. The night was given to a Target run (who could pass that up?!) and relaxing with the staff.

Hopefully, this blog was longer than most will be. That sums up the past two days, and catches me up to the present. I'll be posting when I have time, so I can keep these memories as the summer continues. Sweet Dreams :)

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