Saturday, May 28

'Come to Me'

Matthew 11:28 reads, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest"

This was one of those 'cliche' Christian verses I had memorize when I was growing up. Because it was such a cliche verse for me, I never took it seriously, but I can recite it at the drop of a dime. I remember growing up and being constantly reminded that if I were tired, all I had to do was go to God and He would let me rest.

In all honesty, looking back, I had no clue what that meant. Fortunately, the older I get, the more He teaches me (as if I'm getting more mature...), and this week He taught me about this verse.

This past semester at school has been wonderful, and God has found ways for himself to be glorified that I never could have foreseen. He has answered prayers and faithfully made sure that I made it through. On the flip side, it has been a really difficult semester. I have seen a lot of relationships tried, and some of them have not made it through the semester with me. Being a relationally-oriented person, this has been really difficult for me, and my mentor can attest to how many tears have been shed on my part.

Because this past semester has been so difficult, I have felt too tired at times to 'go' to God. It's not that I have been neglecting Him. I still pray. I still listen to my worship music when I get ready in the morning. It has just been more to keep me afloat than to let me dive in and go deeper (not to overkill the cheesy Christian metaphor of diving in :)

Coming into DC, this is where my faith was at. I had approximately 72 hours to get home, finish a paper, pack and be in DC, so processing my semester was not a luxury I could afford. I didn't know if I was ready for my job this summer, and to be completely honest, I was too tired to 'go to Him.'

During our training, I sent out a couple of prayers, nothing too 'deep.' However, God showed me through this couple of prayers, that in His faithfulness, when I'm too tired, He will come to me. I prayed one night for Him to show me one night that I am the next morning we were led in a devotion about the love of God having no bounds. I prayed for energy because I was exhausted, so the next day I was wasn't tired.

I know they're such small prayer requests, and they're easy for God to answer, but the point is He still did. He was faithful to me, even when I was weak. His strength came through and all I can do is thank Him for that. God showed me this week that when I chose to rely on Him, He will do anything He can to show me He loves me...including come to me. All in all, I can't complain, it was a great lesson to learn as I kick off the summer :)

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