Wednesday, June 9

"You Should Name Your Next Blog Ebony and Ivory"

Just like every other day, today was great :) This morning, we went to S.O.M.E (So Other's Might Eat) to serve breakfast. It might have been my favorite site we've visited so far. Later in the morning, we practiced our prayer tour so that we could comfortably bring groups around the city when they get here Sunday. Later in the afternoon, we practiced more of the prayer tour, met with another ministry site and had dinner in Virginia. Overall, it was a great day :)

Tonight, half of the group went to a Nationals game and half of us hung back. As the 4 going to the game were heading out the door, Brenda (in the picture on the left) said that I should name my next blog 'Ebony and Ivory.' So, I did :)

I realized that I have written a lot about the staff, but I hadn't necessarily shared any pictures yet. Everyone is on the right. On the top is Lauren, in the middle row is me and Rita, and on the bottom is Brenda, Ashley and Shaina (left to right). The guys are Craig and Lukas (left to right again).

Each of them is truly amazing. Lauren is great at getting conversations started. She is from Queens, and is usually a little bit quiet, but when she speaks, she demands attention, and people listen to her. Rita is just great. She's from L.A. and has great one-liners that crack me up. She's such a sweetheart. Brenda brings most of the energy to our group. She's from metropolitan DC, and she usually makes me laugh until my stomach hurts. Ashley is a great balance, from York, PA. She's easy to get along with, and is quiet at times, but she's awesome to talk to. Shaina is an absolute gem. We always joke that it's not possible to get mad at Shaina, because she wouldn't do anything wrong. She's from Illinois, and she has one of the kindest hearts I know. Craig is great, and he helps to keep the conversation going. He's from Ohio, and always knows how to keep everyone in a good mood and laughing. Lukas is one of the funniest people I have ever met. He is from NH and has a true passion for what he is doing here in DC. Literally, everytime Lukas opens his mouth to talk, I laugh SO hard, he's awesome.

That's a quick sum of everyone. As for 'the ebony to my ivory,' Brenda is amazing. She makes me laugh so hard (not that that's hard to do). She also has such a passion for God and keeps me so entertained. Brenda is always up for a great serious conversation, or one of those 'dumb conversation' where there seems to be no train of thought, but laughter dictates everything you say.

That's a two minute blurb about our staff. I love them, they're great, and I'm so excited to host with them this summer :)

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